Project Definition

There are many ways in which a potential project is identified, this might be the need to reduce energy costs or to cut carbon or support a new development. It also might be that there is an opportunity to generate renewable energy or that energy demand is increasing and existing infrastructure is unable to cope. Whatever the reason, this is where the project starts.
At this project initiation stage the energy supply options might be obvious or it might need a supply options study. This options study will need to look at the energy system as a whole, taking into account energy supply options, transmission and storage options as well as an assessment of demand side energy reduction opportunities.
Whatever the motivation, we will carry out the initial study, prepare a project brief and if the project looks viable, an outline business case.
Stage 0 – Elements
- Demand Modelling
- Energy options screening
- Payback & Internal Rate of Return (IRR) criteria
- Outline Business Case
- Site and planning constraints
- Non Disclosure Agreement
- Project structure options