Feasibility Assessment

At stage 1 the project becomes better defined, and the site constraints established. This allows initial sizing and trajectory of demand. Once the approximate scale of the project is established we look at the potential technologies, the proposed method for energy transmission and the local demand profile. At this stage this might use historical consumption data or use our bespoke demand profile estimating software.
Initial capital costings are established, estimates of pay-back time and outline operation and maintenance costs are developed. An initial technical and financial model of the energy system is created. The output of this stage is a feasibility assessment which illustrates the potential costs and benefits and allows a decision to be made on further development of the project.
SHEDD Stage 1 – Elements
- Energy Options Appraisal
- Feasibility Study
- Preliminary energy supply model
- Grid Capacity study
- Preliminary Cost Data
- Preliminary Revenue model
- Preliminary Financial model
- Development Finance
- Planning screening opinion
- Environmental Screening
- Heads of terms
- Grid entry costs