What is Net Zero 3?

- Net Zero 3 – is an integrated approach to the deep decarbonisation of heat, power and transport.
- Net Zero 3 explicitly recognises the increasing interconnection and coupling of power, heat and transport within the built environment.
- In Net Zero 3 we leverage complementary local heat, power and transport energy demands in local micro-grids with decentralised and embedded energy assets.
- Net Zero 3 makes extensive use of fibre and 5G data networks and analytics to improve matching of supply side and demand side in the energy system and maximise the local use of local energy resources.
To read more about netzero3, see here. In netzero3 we consider the various factors that will influence the demand trajectories of heat, power and transport demand against the supply side options . Viable pathways to netzero will also take into account network capacity and constraints and how these will evolve with time. A key element is to examine how these constraints might be overcome using smart systems, IT and AI to deliver demand side response with improved demand and supply matching.
“Net-zero” vs “Zero Carbon”
Net zero is the concept that the net greenhouse gas emissions ( Mostly carbon dioxide but including all greenhouse gases will be zero over a defined period of time. Net Zero recognises that there may be hard to eliminate emissions but that these need to be balanced with carbon offsets ( negative carbon) to achieve a net zero position.
A decentralised energy system is not a closed system and there is a difference between “net-zero” and a “zero carbon” development. The concept of net-zero not only allows, but is also likely to require that residual carbon emissions are offset by negative carbon emissions in some form. This might be carbon capture in some form or the production of surplus zero carbon energy which is not used on site but exported to offset carbon emissions elsewhere. In the netzero 3 concept we would also allow, for example, residual emissions associated with transport to be offset by emissions displacement in the supply of electricity.

In netzero 3 we aim for a trajectory over a period of time to arrive at a net zero position when considering heat, power and transport associated with the development. See What we do? and SHEDD for description of our approach and processes for delivering netzero3.
Visit our site https://netzero3.org