The Event Complex Aberdeen – Net Zero Energy Centre

The TECA development adjacent to Aberdeen Airport on the Rowett North site and comprises the new Exhibition and Conference Centre 48,000sqm of multi-purpose event space with a 12,500 seat arena, conference facilities and additional 32,500 sqm subterranean exhibition space. Also, on the site is a 200 bed four- star Hilton Hotel, with bars restaurants and spa and an award winning 150 bed Aloft Hotel. A “net zero” decentralised energy system has been developed for the whole site comprising an on-site energy centre with the UK’s largest static fuel cell installation, and on-site Anaerobic Digestion (AD) facility. The original energy strategy for this major development has been fully realised and it achieves a world class energy solution for the TECA complex.

Dr David Telford, now of Sonas Energy, was Director for Energy and Sustainability at HDR Hurlepalmerflatt (HPF) and was originally retained by Henry Boot Development (HBD) to develop the Energy and Sustainability Strategy for the Rowett North masterplan. HPF were then employed by HBD to take the Energy Centre design to RIBA Stage 3 and subsequently novated to FES who were Robertson’s M&E Contractor to complete the detailed design and construction phases. Dr Telford was retained directly by Aberdeen City Council (through HPF) to provide a technical advisor role for GQCHP, FITS and RHI applications and as employers representative for the subsequent O&M contract for the Energy Centre. The scope of the work has been from initial concept, planning and stakeholder consultation in 2014 through detailed design and construction to commissioning and handover and definition of the term O&M contract for the Energy Centre.
The scope of the work has included:
- Energy Option Screening Report
- Demand side assessment, demand profiling and modelling
- Supply side options
- Financial and revenue modelling for Energy Centre up to financial close
- Stakeholder consultations
- Energy Options Appraisal and development of Energy Strategy and recommended solution.
- Energy and Sustainability Statement for North Rowett Masterplan and Detailed planning Applications
- Concept Design of Energy Centre from RIBA Stages A- C
- Stakeholder consultation to support Planning application for Masterplan, TECA and Hotels.
- Detailed Design of Energy Centre
- Operational Control Strategy
- Commissioning Support
- Compliance and revenue support applications negotiation with Ofgem on FITS and RHI and design phase GQCHP application
- O&M Employers requirements including metering and billing arrangements